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A Message from Pierre Louis

Dear Friends of Fontaine,

Yesterday was another wonder- ful day at the school for at least 80 families. Believe me, it wasn't an easy job because too many people were hoping to get onto the school property to get food. Fortunately we thought in advance that would happen and we had our night guard stand at the gate with one of the students with the list of the people who were allowed to get in which made it easier for all of us. Honestly I felt sad that we were not able to help everyone.

The food and masks distributed yesterday were equivalent to $1,747. $1,147 from FOF and $600 from the Xaverian Brothers and their Associates. A very special thank to all of you who contributed to make that food distribution possible. With your help we provided enough food for eight days for 80 families and the food went to the families who most needed it. We cannot thank you enough for that. As you know life was difficult in Haiti years before COVID-19 came on the scene but with the pandemic the situation is worse. Almost every day the price of food is raising and many people don't really know what to do. We are trying to help in any way we can. 

It wasn't just a food distribution. With the help of our sponsored med student and two sponsored nurses there was also some education about Covid-19. We tried to tell people how to take the pandemic serious, teaching them about hands washing and the importance of wearing masks. We also distributed 200 masks to the people in the community, each person received two masks. 

We can't thank you enough for your help as always, we all are doing God's work. Thanks again.



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